
Our Founder Nicole's Reflections on Turning 50

Our Founder Nicole’s Reflections on Turning 50

“As I reflect upon my life and the 50 years I have been on this journey, I am realizing that each piece, each moment has brought me to this moment where I can bare my soul and be completely comfortable in the vulnerability.” 

Any Given Wednesday ​

Any Given Wednesday

How does one manage the constant fluctuation of emotion? How do we start the day in fear and try to end in gratitude?

Shine On

Shine On

In one of our dharma talks, we were taught we need to accept where and who we are in this very moment in order to shine.

The Graduate - 2020

The Graduate – 2020

I just completed my Ayurvedic Graduate Studies at The Maryland University of Integrative Health. Learn about my experience here.

The Koshas

The Koshas

The definition of yoga is union of mind, body and spirit. The five koshas of the body are the foundation to creating this harmony of self.



Svadhayaya is the art of study of self. This niyama is so important to me that it has become my company’s mission statement. Read & learn why.

The Healing Power of Sound In this article, Nicole explains everything you need to know about Integral Sound Healing: Its benefits, the science behind it and the instruments used. READ MORE Santosha: The Second Yogic Niyama Santosha invites us into contentment. READ MORE Sunshine On My Shoulders Nicole reflects on 2020; dealing with life and death, looking for the lessons, messages and moments that come with it. READ MORE The Power Of My Mat: Part II

The Power Of My Mat: Part II

The Power of My Mat is that it helps me through my struggles. This post inspires to get on your mat, even during the darkest of times.

Courage: Braving Our Own Wilderness

Courage: Braving Our Own Wilderness

Read the thoughts of our Founder, Yogini Nicole Zornitzer, on Brene Brown’s book Braving the Wilderness. It’s all about courage!

Yamas & Niyamas

Yamas & Niyamas

The yamas and niyamas can be viewed as yogic ethical disciplines that offer  practitioners a means to move through life in a mindful way.

Sunshine On My Shoulders

Sunshine On My Shoulders

Nicole reflects on 2020; dealing with life and death, looking for the lessons, messages and moments that come with it.

The Gunas

The Gunas

There are 3 primal qualities that are viewed by many as the measure to determine our spiritual growth, these are called the Gunas.

What is Ayurveda?

What is Ayurveda?

In Sanskrit, Ayurveda is the science of life, it is the sister science of yoga. Read more about Ayurveda’s purpose and the 3 basic Doshas.

Santosha: The Second Yogic Niyama

Santosha: The Second Yogic Niyama

Santosha invites us into contentment.

6 Years Later

6 Years Later

Each day I continue to unravel my purpose here and each year I experience brand new challenges that were not predictable.

The Wait for Double G: A Tribute to Mom

The Wait for Double G: A Tribute to Mom

Nicole reflects on loss & closure, a tribute to her mother this Mother’s Day. 

The Healing Power of Sound

The Healing Power of Sound

In this article, Nicole explains everything you need to know about Integral Sound Healing: Its benefits, the science behind it and the instruments used.

My Touch Tree-The Bones (A Tribute)

My Touch Tree-The Bones (A Tribute)

Nicole’s intention is to bring to light the struggle of divorce while also finding a forever love and compassion for the one you once loved and possibly always will love.



Pranayama is the manipulation of breath in yogic terms. It is my belief that pranayama is more important than the physical asana practice.

The Shades of Gratitude

The Shades of Gratitude

Gratitude takes on many shades; let us all appreciate and cherish every one of those shades, even the darkest of them all.



As I grow older, what I realize is that my mat has become my cherished friend, possibly even considered a family member. I am attached to my mat; it is sacred to me, and I care for it accordingly. It is my aspiration that others develop this special relationship with their mats as well. 

Trail Magic

Trail Magic

According to all the books and experts who have traveled the Appalachian Trail, there is a term referred to as “trail magic”. This article details what Nicole thinks is the true meaning of trail magic. 

The Five Kleshas: Finding Immortality

The Five Kleshas: Finding Immortality

The term “yoga” translates to “yoke” or “union”, therefore when kleshas (obstacles) are in our path, they prevent us from finding this sense of balance and connection with self and others.

The Blue Bay: A story of love everlasting

The Blue Bay: A story of love everlasting

This is a story about two people who have given me more than they realize. Two people that changed my world, that have inspired me, that continue to silently be a tremendous source of strength for me.

The Puzzle

The Puzzle

The term “yoga” translates to “yoke” or “union”, therefore when kleshas (obstacles) are in our path, they prevent us from finding this sense of balance and connection with self and others.

The Gift

The Gift

During this holiday season and an increasing amount of pressure on people to spend more, have more, do more to feel appreciated or loved, I have taken a different approach on the meaning of a gift.

Finding Your Yin

Finding Your Yin

The lessons of yin are far more reaching than one may think at first glance. When we truly find stillness, we become one with ourselves and enter a more meditative state.

Oasis of Light

Oasis of Light

Let’s celebrate the female body for all that it offers from childbearing to menopause; remember it is the woman who carries the fruits of life, and our bodies are temples that should be revered with the ultimate respect.

Finding Your Yin

Finding Your Yin

In the west, Yin Yoga has historically been the least celebrated style of yoga. However, our Founder Nicole believes it is one of the most necessary styles. This is the topic of her recent article in Sparta Living Magazine this month.

Tapas—To Burn

Tapas—To Burn

Tapas is often translated as “austerity” or “discipline” and the word tapas is derived from the root Sanskrit verb “tap” which means to “burn” and evokes a sense of fire or passion.

Four Corners

Four Corners

A client recently inspired me to analyze the idea of how yoga and mindfulness have transformed me & relate it to past articles regarding the power of the yoga mat.

Springtime: An Ayurvedic Persepctive

Springtime: An Ayurvedic Persepctive

Springtime aligns with the kapha dosha, which in Sanskrit translates to “that which flourishes in water” as the season of spring brings rain and increased water in the environment.

Summer from an Ayurvedic Lens

Summer from an Ayurvedic Lens

In Ayurveda, summer is viewed as Pitta Season. Pitta’s earth elements are fire, heat, action and may be viewed from the Eastern perspective as a “type A personality”. 

The Lotus

The Lotus

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom” — Anais Nin