Niyama Yoga Therapeutic Teacher Training Programs

Niyama Yoga Shala’s Therapeutic Yoga Teacher Training programs have been in existence over 25 years. The Yamas and The Niyamas, which are cornerstones of Ayurveda, anchor the teachings of Hatha Yoga taught in our trainings. Our teacher training programs were founded by Diane Finlayson and began in Baltimore, M.D. at Yama Yoga Studio. Nicole Zornitzer, trained under the guidance of Diane and the Integrative Yoga Therapy team (Joseph & Lilian LePage) & quickly became one of their star students due to her passion for living a yogic lifestyle and commitment to embracing the ethics behind the Yamas and the Niyamas. In 2009, Nicole & Niyama Yoga Shala were gifted this sacred training program from her mentors and have been actively training students across the country since inception.
With an understanding that not all teacher training programs are the same, it is important that interested students research and educate themselves on what different programs offer. At Niyama Yoga Shala our foundation are the Yamas and the Niyamas which then enable a student to move forward with proper understanding of Therapeutic Yoga. As a Yoga Therapist with a team of highly credentialed professionals behind her, Nicole has cornerstoned the market with her teacher training programs. In addition, her disciples continue to work under her as mentors and teachers to offer an abundance of support during and after all teacher training program.
- RYT 200
- RYT 300

In accordance with Ayurvedic Philosophy, we do not support fast-paced learning and rather embrace our 9-12 month teacher training programs. It is our belief that information be introduced, self-studied, absorbed, reflected upon, and practiced both on & off of the yoga mat in tandem with highly trained instructors & mentors. Our team of leaders include:
- Nicole Zornitzer (Program Director)
- Sherry Hundal (Program Assistant)
- Amy Matthews & Leslie Kaminoff (Anatomy)
- Diane Finlayson (Mentor)
**We also have several guest teachers present annually during our RYT 300 training program!
Residential 200 Hour Teacher Training
Niyama Yoga Shala is an esteemed center of education for Yoga, Ayurveda, Sound Therapy, and Energy Healing has expanded its reach to tropical and pristine Ayampe, Ecuador. Our RESIDENTIAL 200 HOUR THERAPEUTIC YOGA TEACHER TRAINING PROGRAM offers our clients and community at large the ability to fully immerse oneself in the Art of Self Study at our Ayampe, Ecuador Retreat Center.
During this 28 Day Teacher Training Program you will immerse yourself into the realm of Yoga Therapy under the guidance of Nicole Zornitzer, a Certified E-RYT 2000 Yoga Therapist, Ayurvedic Counselor, Sound Healer and owner of Niyama Yoga Shalas Worldwide. Couple this with the serenity of experiencing life in a tiny village nestled between the jungle and the sea in comfortable and modern accommodations by Vistamar in Ayampe
This intensive 200 Hour YTT enables trainees the opportunity to become educated in yoga philosophy, asanas, appropriate body alignment, anatomy and explore a more yogic / ayurvedic lifestyle in the magical land of Ayampe, Ecuador. You will enjoy and absorb the tranquility of Ayampe while learning, experiencing, sharing, and challenging yourself as we explore Traditional Therapeutic Yoga. This program is accredited by the International Yoga Alliance and is presented by a team that has a combined experience of over 50 years in the industry.
Your YTT experience will be transformational not only for the invaluable information learned with regards to your yoga practice but also what you will take away from spending time in Vistamar in Ayampe. This little paradise is one of the few places to have resisted the whirlwind feel of modernity. While you enjoy hot water, fast wifi, a/c, competent english speaking staff you will be transported to a space that exists on what feels like the edge of modernism. While Ayampe has a constant flow of international travelers, artists and people who are on the move in life along with diverse fresh cuisine, it still remains a village of 300 full time residents with dirt roads and forests on all sides.
Therapeutic yoga teacher training program details:
RYT 300 advanced 9 month program
(a private retreat is included/offered annually)
*Private training is also available and pricing varies based on student’s needs.
*Training programs occur in New Jersey, Florida, and Ayampe, Ecuador.
Our Yoga Alliance accredited training programs vary from in person training to virtual training depending upon the needs of the trainee and we meet 2x per month over the course of the training period. Our comprehensive RYT200 training provides a solid foundation of the key concepts and philosophy behind traditional Hatha Yoga and the RYT300 advances one’s scope and ultimately enables one to work 1:1 with clients and specialty populations. Typically, our students decide to further expand their knowledge in our Yin Yoga training and Yoga Nidra training once they experience our offerings.
Exposure to our curriculum, upcoming training dates, presenters, & program details are provided after we meet with prospective students. There is an application process for all interested yogis to complete after the initial introduction. Due to our expansive caliber of trainers and intellectual property, we do reserve our program details for only those seriously considering taking this step on their journey.
At Niyama Yoga Shala we value proper education, commitment to the process, highly motivated people, respect for our leaders and mentors and lineage; therefore, we do screen all prospective students to ensure we are a good fit. The journey of Therapeutic Yoga is a lifelong practice and Niyama Yoga Shala prides ourselves in the highest quality of education available.